Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Break Pastimes

Goodness gracious, it's been a long time since I've written anything. Would you believe it, it's been since Fall Break? There are no words. Only, the fact of the matter is that there are. There is an abundance of words that have just been welling up within yours truly until I've reached the breaking point and they must overflow. So far today I have already written two extremely long emails to my dear friends in Pennsylvania, that's one of the lovely parts of having writers for friends, you can send them emails that are roughly the size of a barge (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST REFERENCE) and they won't judge you. Anyway, I sent them emails and now I'm writing a blog post and hopefully soon I'll work on one of my stories, or start a new one, I haven't quite decided yet. It's wonderful to know that I have all the time in the world to do these things. At school whenever I take a writing break I always start feeling dreadfully guilty, which is why my correspondence is so poor when I'm there. As is my blog posting abilities, as can be seen.

Christmas Break is delightful.

So far today I have:

1.) Sat in a rocking chair and had coffee and toast. A long drawn out breakfast, in fact. Oh how I have missed that! I do not appreciate having to be rushed through breakfast. I feel that breakfast is one of those meals that should go at least three hours, four cups of coffee, and two slices of toast. As they say, waking up is hard enough in and of itself, and then we have so much rushing about in the mornings it's just dreadful. I mean, how can one fully come to grips with the fact that one must continue one's day in an orderly fashion when one is being rushed through it so quickly? NOT DURING CHRISTMAS BREAK. I sat for a satisfactory amount of time and had a satisfactory amount of coffee and then I felt satisfactorily ready to start my day. It was done, and it was good.

2.) Knitted. It has been too long between having a good knitting session. I realized this morning that I really do have a nice selection of yarns. I didn't even need to go to the yarn shop to get new stuff before starting on a project. I had it all with me, which gave me great satisfaction and I may or may not have emitted a few little cackles of appreciation.

3.) Wrote long emails. Thank you for putting up with me friends who are on the receiving end of my emails. I love you dearly and you are on your way to sainthood.

4.) I took a nap. Yes, yes I did. It was quite lovely, thank you.

In other news my plan for the rest of my day involves a continuation of such pastimes, with the addition of some story writing, some baking, and some reading of the Book Thief. That will all have to wait till after I've finished my hot chocolate, however. Finishing my hot chocolate is very important in my list of things to get done.

That shall be all, Jeeves. I shall return presently to regale you with tales of my adventures as the book healer. Actually, I think it would be neat to remodel this blog in that theme. I don't know if I really want to delete what I have so far, though. Maybe I'll make a new one. Oh dear, but I have such a bad habit of making far too many blogs. It's really terrible. I like a little bit of change, though, and then I feel so bad just deleting everything I've worked on. I can't decide at all.