" I really do enjoy you
blog. Thank you Emily!!
I have been wondering exactly how you put your hair up in a
bun ever since you first blogged about it. My hair is very thick and I cannot
find a way to put it into a bun at all. Maybe you could post a picture of how
it looks when it is finished, or write out a few instructions. I know it's
silly, but I'm kind of at a lost of things to do with my hair!
*sigh* I did hope that my first comment to this blog would
be a bit more interesting, but I suppose this has been the only thing to get
past my procrastinating nature.
Oh well, I think you understand.Thank you! :)"
Comment on It's Monday Again
Dear Reagan,
Sorry it's taken me so long to respond. You see, I've always meant to respond in a post (like I'm doing now) but I was going to take pictures and things for you and I keep forgetting. So I thought I would write this up even if I don't have the pictures, as I suppose it's better to respond in the first place rather than never responding because you're trying to make it better.
I actually taught myself how to do it from this youtube video:
(I teach myself all sorts of things from youtube videos. Whenever I need to learn a new knitting technique or something you can always find a video and I just pause it and replay it as long as I need to. Very helpful.)
(I normally gather up my hair much lower than she does)
I hope this is helpful! And thank you so much for the comment. I love comments and I always get so excited to get them. Sorry I've been slow to respond!