Showing posts with label Road to Avonlea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Road to Avonlea. Show all posts

Monday, November 26, 2012

Road to Avonlea

I’m pretty sure most people have a favorite show. The show you own all the seasons to and know every episode by heart. That show where it only takes the theme music to make you perfectly happy. For me that show would be Road to Avonlea. When I was about nine or ten we rented the first season, and after that everyone knew that my favorite present on a birthday would be the next season. Even now it is the show that I go back to when I have a head cold or am feeling sad. There’s just something about the opening shots of the cliff tops in front of the ocean, the fields of waving grass, the soft piano music, it makes me happy. Perhaps this is partially because I have so many memories with it, nostalgia, but beyond that there’s something about it that I love so much. It’s s happy, it’s sweet, and it’s innocent. I’ve never been a fan of a lot of drama. I’ve always felt that there’s enough of that in real life without having to feed myself that in entertainment. I’ve grown some since when I was younger and used to refuse to read any book where a person died. I like a good story, I like plot and emotion, but I still don’t like an excess of drama. Road to Avonlea is essentially a happy series, a series following children running through fields and wiggling their bare feet in the sand on the shore. I honestly feel attached to each and every one of the various characters, Aunt Hetty, Uncle Alec, Gus, Felix, they’re all a part of my childhood and I have a special fondness for each of them.  Yes, Road to Avonlea has this special place in my heart.

 Leave it to Beaver

 If you know me you probably know that I love old black and white movies and TV shows. For years I knew that if I brought up a favorite thing to watch most of my peers would give me blank stares. They hadn’t even heard of these shows that had played back when their grandparents were growing up. Actually, I think this rather pleased me, as if I knew a lovely secret. Leave it to Beaver was one of these.  They’re awfully fun and sweet, and I have quite a few brothers so I like stories about little boys. Besides, I have a soft spot for Wally.

 I Love Lucy

 I don’t think I’ve laughed so much over a show as I have I Love Lucy. Comedy that makes one laugh with no crudity as so much of our humor now days is filled with. My favorite episode would probably be “Lucy does a TV Commercial.” I like the ones when they go to Hollywood a lot too though (mostly because of all the cameos of movie stars I know. I always go JOHN WAYNE and wave my hands about because I actually know all of the movie stars) Also, Lucy’s dresses are beautiful, but that’s just a side note.

 Robin Hood (BBC)

 This show is the best. No, really, I know I keep saying this, but it’s one of my favorites. It is just the sort of adventure tale I like, nothing too dark, but full of daring do and escapades. Yes, that’s the sort of thing I like. Robin’s my darling with the way he smiles and strides about cockily. I love Marian and her way of combining being ladylike and adventurous. (Did I mention her costumes. Beautiful.) and Will. I shan’t go into them all, but Will must be mentioned, as he’s quite probably my favorite character. Actually, the characters are what really make this show. They’re all really well done. I laugh, I cry, and with each rewatch I laugh and cry some more. I just love. (FYI I refuse to acknowledge the existence of a third season. It didn’t happen. That is all.)

Doctor Who

This is my newest favorite show. I actually hadn’t watched it until last Summer. I had heard all about it, but I’d never actually watched it myself. Now it’s very high on my list. I went through all the episodes at probably the fastest pace I have with any show before. What I like best is how different every episode is. They’re always different and I always enjoy them. I admit it, I originally started watching for Rory, because Rory is amazing, but as soon as I was through his episodes I had come to love everything about the show. Now my brother and I can chatter about Doctor Who for hours, and it has the distinction of being the only show I went so crazy about that I bought a poster (which hangs up by my desk if you’d like to know.)