Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2012

Of Knitted Dolls and Carrot Cake

I'm thinking...

At the moment I'm hiding from the morning. You might think this an impossible task, and indeed I have suspicions that while I might be fooling myself, I'm certainly not fooling anyone else, yet, still, I can't really persuade myself that it is a bad plan. I have hidden myself away from the alarm clock's persistent noise, away from the cold cold air and the horrid sunshine (not that I mean to say I dislike sunshine- I just find it entirely too cheerful in such trying times) and I'm feeling rather successful in my attempt at convincing myself that it is not morning. However, I cannot be wholly successful in this attempt, as proven by the mere fact that I am writing this rather than sleeping. As far as plans go I believe this one is as good a one as any to awaken me sufficiently to acknowledge that I must brave the cold air and get out of bed, but for the moment I shall continue to write on and hide myself away from the world under a thick quilt.
I can't quite believe it is Monday morning. How quickly days go, don't they? Really though, yesterday and the day before were just lovely days. We set out adventuring to see what we could see, and found ourselves in a set of lovely rooms looking out and across the bay to Canada. (a quick moment of recognition for the kisses blown across the wind to Canada. Really, we love Canada.) We explored the hotel, avoiding coming across the wedding group in their finery whilst attired in swimming wear. We skipped across the docks outside the hotel and danced under the billowing silken tent. We sprawled out on the couch and floor to watch the new Spider Man movie (which I enjoyed immensely. I've decided that it's now my third favorite superhero movie. I like the Avengers the very most, and then I think I like Iron Man, but after that I would say I liked The Amazing Spider Man.) In the morning we ate eggs and pancakes at a little diner (most notable for the bright yellow seat cushions and vintage signs hung willy nilly about the wall) and suddenly we were on our way home with the weekend over and done. (of course, it didn't happen so quickly as that and we had numberless wails of hunger and boredom to combat, and whist saying the rosary Ella struck up such a wail it was like praying in a hurricane.
Here we are though, safe and sound and ready to start Monday morning! Out of bed one goes and down the stairs to make some coffee.

From the kitchen...

I am fully confident that I could survive a diet of bread, butter and potatoes (just thinking ahead in case the world food supply is demolished and I need a plan. If necessary I could do away with the bread- all right the butter too since that's rather a luxury but GET THE POTATOES. If the potatoes die, I do to. Why am I not Irish?) That is, you see, what I meant to say was "I had bread and butter for breakfast this morning."

Did I mention I'm going to be making carrot cake today? I'm rather excited if you couldn't tell. I've been thinking about carrot cake for days now.

I'm creating...

My knit doll (See This Post)

She's actually almost finished. I have yet to embroider the eyes and mouth, finish knitting half an arm and sew both arms to her torso, but all in all she's almost finished.

The blue/green yarn I'm going to knit into a dress for her. Isn't it lovely? It's also very soft.

I've also been working out a synopsis for my NaNoWriMo story (TEN DAYS BEFORE IT STARTS) Perhaps I'll get it worked out and post it in say three days, a week before the actual challenge begins. Yes, that seems like a rather good idea.
I'm listening to...
A boy whistling, a chair moving across the floor (controlled I presume by the boy who is whistling) and some discussion going on about maps.
One of my favorite things...
Baking. (Did I mention I was making carrot cake today? Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.) I'm also feeling in the mood to make bread, but I'm not sure if that will happen today.
Around the house...
I think I need to find some warm socks and a sweater, it's rather cold this morning.
Picture thoughts I'm sharing...
I liked this quote so I wanted to add it to this post