Showing posts with label leaves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leaves. Show all posts

Monday, October 15, 2012

Crafty, Crafty Emily

Outside my window...

A window really is such an interesting thing, you know. It is like a description in a story; revealing the outside world, the scene, and yet limiting sight to a certain dimension. Here we have a window, a rectangle of limited size, and yet it frames a sight that reveals so much to us. We see the corner of a rooftop in one corner, a chimney emitting great billows of smoke that drift out of our sight and down the other side of the house. On the other side of that same window we see a row of trees, their colors bright and vibrant- reminding us that fall has come. Looking to the upper part of the window we have the sky, pale and almost white, a solid mass of cloud, making the entire scene to appear unfinished, as if an artist had left the upper half of their page blank.
If I were writing a description for a story I would be limiting myself to such important details as the window limits. I would be creating a sense of the place, the outside, without going on for pages and pages at a time. A window, a description, framing so much more than we can see, yet even from our limited sight we know it is there.

I'm thinking...

Working at the library I have a tendency to retreat into my thoughts, to create an imaginary world for myself like I always did when I was younger. I remember that even the shortest walk of those days would turn into the weary travels of a shepherd maiden with but a crust of bread to sustain her. Now, those thoughts have turned from a imaginary game, to the creating of a story yet to be written, but when you compare them they are very like. Of course I am much more concerned with the idea of plot and connection of a series of ideas to tie the whole thing together, but is there so very much difference to the creating of story then and now? Then it was a game I played; now it is the catching of ideas and characters to weave into a written story.
Whenever I don't have anything much to occupy my thoughts with, I have at least a half dozen stories that must be thought out and their endings decided.
Right now the story that occupies my mind the most is my Nanowrimo story. Up to this point the main idea has changed so much you would never connect it and my original idea. All I really know right now is that the story is to be focus on a sense of division. A division of self, a character with conflicting personality traits, and then a division in choices, as far as the character's future is concerned. I'm pretty sure that my main character will be named Elise (though this changes from day to day. Yesterday her name was Elaine, but really, I think Elise fits her better) I also have a couple other ideas for things I want to tie into the story, but I don't think I shall write them down here. I need to sort them out in my thoughts some more, and I don't want to write the whole plot out.

I'm listening to...

Bei Mir Bist Du Schon (Means That You're Grand) by the Andrew Sisters. (Yes, my obsession with their music has yet to weaken. They're still my favorite.) That reminds me though of this CD I brought home from the library yesterday, they (supposedly) make an appearance on it. It's actually a radio program with Abbott and Costello from when they (the Andrews Sisters) were very popular. I'm excited to try it out and see what it's like.

I'm creating...

Oh dear. Did I mention that I'm in an extreme crafting mood? Especially knitting. I've been trying out all sorts of different knitting techniques and perfecting them. Originally I was just making little swatches of knitted patterns, but then I decided that I would really love to make little knitted jumpers and things, but before I could do that I would need to make a little knitted doll to wear those jumpers and miniature hats and flowers and things. So I googled for knitted doll patterns and I found the dearest doll ideas. (

Look aren't they the dearest things? Can't you just picture with a wee little knitted jumper with a sweet little ruffle at the hem?

And look with those sweet little embroidered eyes and mouth? *squee* (but truthfully I would prefer hair of one colour. Maybe I'm unimaginative. Oh but if it were to be put into braids! Wouldn't that be lovely?)

(*edit* I previously had pictures from their post, but on second thought as I'm not very sure about copyright so I'll just let you all go to the site itself and look at the lovely pictures there. Do go and see. They're adorable. I'll post a picture when it's my own creation to share)

...and now I desperately (yes, my dear, I do know the italics make me sound dramatic, but aren't they just necessary? Okay, I'm going to stop now- but they're just so much fun. Putting undue stress on a certain word in your sentence. Quite.) need to go to a yarn shop and buy a nice large darning needle and and some soft cream yarn.

I can make all my jumpers and things from my "extra" yarn in my knitting bag, but honestly, isn't the cream simply necessary. I see you agree with me. How sensible of you.

I'm reading... Well, I was going to say something about the books I'm actually reading, but then the words "I'm reading" reminded me that I really need to finish this up so I can read the history chapters I'm supposed to read after writing this. So- I'm reading history chapters?

Some picture thoughts I'm sharing...

A picture of Ella and I that Mom took the other day. I rather like it.

And then I took a picture of the leaves on the ground. I like it because it just focuses up in that one area, which I think is neat.
A few plans for the rest of the week...
Not getting distracted? (*cough* riiiiiiight. Somehow after my knitting story that doesn't sound so convincing, does it? Did I mention I woke up in the middle of the night with a knitting needle in my hair? Yes.) I'm very excited for next weekend because I don't work and we're planning on doing something fun. Perhaps I shall write a post on it. (as well as writing up all those letters I'm behind on. YES. THAT IS THE PLAN.)