Saturday, September 21, 2013

Perfect, beautiful days

There are those days that impress themselves on your memory as perfect days. It's been such a long time since I've sat down to write a proper sort of blog post that I don't know how else to begin this one. The past couple weeks have had their ups and downs for me, but then, I think that must be how everyone feels as they settle in for their first month in college. There have been moments of feeling lost, scared- feelings that everyone experiences.

Then again, there have been days like today; perfect, beautiful days. Days that are beautiful in their very simplicity, it almost doesn't feel adequate putting them into words. I always feel like that when I try to describe my perfect days. I suppose it's because they aren't the days filled with color and excitement, they're the days where the background is an underlying feeling of serenity and peace. Soft, fall colors, an undercurrent of sparkling light, but mostly a running stream of contentment where all the world feels right.

It's so lovely to be in a place that feels so very right. I miss home of course, I miss my dear ones, but if I'm to be anyplace- I'm glad it's here.

Today has been lovely because we went for a drive. A drive through the rolling hills of Virginia. A drive with the rain drizzling gently against the windows and the Fall leaves just beginning to fall. A drive to the dearest little coffee place. Quaint is the word that comes to my mind when I try to describe it. I think the loveliest thing about it was the smell of the coffee as we stepped outside of the car. Coffee has the best smell, and as we walked in the door it just grew better. It also helped that I was in the company of some of the dearest dears, really, the day was quite perfect.

Forgive my gushing, there really isn't anything else to be said.

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