Friday, May 17, 2013

I'm thinking...

Well, I've been talking quite a bit about Much Ado About Nothing the past couple weeks- but it's been a prominent part of my life so there seems no way around talking about it. (Of course, I like talking about it. So there is that) I was thinking though, how much better I understand the play after watching it over and over again. I had seen the movie adaption, but even so I think I only caught the most obvious lines. I think most Shakespeare plays are like that. You have to watch them several times over before you begin to catch on to all the lines. Well, I suppose most things are like that. The more times you watch or read something the more you get out of it.
I'm really proud of everyone who is taking part in our play. I think they've all done excellent jobs bringing out the characters. That's something else I find funny about plays, so much of it is about the personal interpretation. I find it so interesting to see how different people interpret the characters. Also, I find it really interesting how people act. It's something I didn't think too much about before starting this play, but there's so many different ways to act. Some people become the character. You can see them become the character, and then the minute the scene is over they go back to being themselves. Other people make the character like themselves. They never stop being like themselves, but simply use their characters words and actions as their own. 

I'm reading...

Arabella by Georgette Heyer. I always feel like reading books over again after I lend them to someone. I love recommending and lending books. I think it's one of the best things in the world. That's another reason why I want to be well read in all sorts of books. So if ever someone came up and asked, "do you know a funny non fiction book?" I would say "Try A.J. Jacobs' books." or "What would you recommend from the YA section?" "Cinder, Entwined, The Fairytale Novels,  The Fault in Our Stars, Paper Towns..." or "What mysteries do you like?" "Agatha Christie, Father Brown, Sherlock Holmes, but mostly Agatha Christie." (obviously I really want to be a Librarian)

Outside my window...

It's a cloudy day.

I'm wearing...

Jeans and a blouse. Also my TARDIS necklace.

I'm listening to...

A Michael Buble song just came on Pandora.

From the Kitchen...

I haven't made bread in a while. I should start doing that again. I love making bread.

I'm creating...

I was looking through some of my old stories again last night. It's funny looking back at things you wrote a long time ago, some things you find simply terrible, and then other things you're surprised with and like. Reading over my old things always makes me want to rewrite them.

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